Swedish massage is the basis of Western massage therapies. Its effect can be measured primarily in changes in the physical state of the body, such as the relaxation of muscles, the release of possible muscle spasms and knots, and complete relaxation. The treatment on a comfortable massage bed and the use of essential oils or only pure vegetable oils and the mechanism of touch, the parasympathetic systemic effects are quickly established.
Speciális módszerek
- Angyal kártya
- Triggerpont
- Fascia
- Akupunktúra
- Akupresszúra
- Energetika
- Nyirokmasszázs
- Prosztata masszázs
- Speciális derék és csípő masszázs
Rész masszázsaink
- Fej
- Hát
- Láb
- Talp